Browsing articles tagged with " feedback"

The Customer is Always Right

Those of you who follow me on twitter (@gingercoaching) will be aware that with SASP (@SASPSomerset) I have been working on a project to aid less experienced coaches in their reflection and hence to help them evolve and develop as coaches in a more autonomous manner.  The logistics of mentoring coaches through observation are challenging and hence the idea is to develop a toolkit that enables the customers to air their views.  Ultimately what they think […]


Like a good joke…

…the key to feedback is the timing! Through my developing understanding of Learning Nutrition and as I begin to grasp Cog Theory (See Create Development) I hope that my coaching, tutoring etc is becoming increasingly learner focussed and that I am beginning to give learners more control of their learning journey. To accelerate learning it is necessary to challenge learners and put them at the edge of their comfort zone – the Comfort Stretch Panic […]


Arranging failure

I had the pleasure of compiling and delivering a day of leadership training to BTEC students in early May.  They will be planning and running a badminton festival for year 3 and 4 pupils later in the year, so my brief was to help prepare them for this experience.  Luckily, we were able to use a year 7 PE group as guinea pigs in the afternoon, and so prepared a mock festival for them to experience. […]



Since attending the pilot of the UKcc level 3 learning programme  run by BADMINTON England a couple of years ago, I have carried around and regularly handed out a notebook in which I ask players to offer their feedback from the session I’ve just run.  I offer this opportunity to primary children, all the way up to adults on coach education courses and teachers attending CPD opportunities.  Why?  For two reasons.  It is a method of passing […]