Browsing articles in "Cog Theory"

Steps on the ladder

At one of the junior clubs I run we have traditionally played a weekly ladder competition that flows from week to week.  Over the past few months we have become really busy and with that have experienced an increase in the range of ages and standards of players present.  The ladder was becoming a competition that (I thought was) discouraging some players as they found themselves low down with a seemingly unassailable climb. I had […]


Like a good joke…

…the key to feedback is the timing! Through my developing understanding of Learning Nutrition and as I begin to grasp Cog Theory (See Create Development) I hope that my coaching, tutoring etc is becoming increasingly learner focussed and that I am beginning to give learners more control of their learning journey. To accelerate learning it is necessary to challenge learners and put them at the edge of their comfort zone – the Comfort Stretch Panic […]


Non-intervention strategy

I haven’t blogged on Learning Nutrition in action for a while, but this week had a great moment worthy of sharing. I you follow my posts you’ll know a bit about the junior badminton clubs I run.  At one I have a player who when involved in match play always brings about disagreements with the scores but usually only when playing with and against certain others.  This has been going on for as long as […]


T Cup

I think a phrase coined by Sir Clive Woodward – Thinking Clearly Under Pressure.  It stands to reason that this is necessary for success in any competitive situation.  If we consider the “comfort-stretch-panic” curve, with optimal learning occurring in the zone at the top of stretch, just before we reach panic, then it is fair to say we will be in a situation where we feel under pressure.  The nearer panic we reach, the greater […]


It’s just not cricket (coaching)

It’s the time of year when my cricket coaching begins to kick into action.  There are always bits and pieces that continue year round, but with the season approaching the hours increase.  Over the past couple of seasons I have started to take on the challenge of coaching the seniors at the club at which I play.  A club with a rich history, but one which had now found a level more akin to the […]